I became successful without a college degree. By using skills I learned skiing and coupling that with information I gathered by working at different jobs, I went from secretary to president in four years. I hated the cold but after a boyfriend convinced me that in order to date I had to ski, I set about joining a ski house in Vermont and spent the first years with frost-bite and on crutches. Undaunted, I drove four and a half hours to Vermont each Friday night only to feel left out as the others hit the advanced slopes. I hit the bunny slopes. After one month of tears and frost-bite, I joined the others at the top only to come crashing down to torn ligaments which resulted in a cast. I was determined and set out to the slopes again after only a month. I finally learned the basics of skiing. The next year I actually was asked to teach beginners, which I did. The lesson I learned was I didn’t have to like what I was doing to reach a goal. . . in fact, I could hate it but could end of feeling great about the end result. Skiing opened many doors for me as I took that lesson and applied to the work force. I also got the benefit of going on fabulous vacations to the west and Europe which also broadened my horizons about the world and the way people live.